And then there are things that can be written.
They are not equivalent, and they cannot be,
For the holistic journey of life cannot be scribed,
In it completeness, as mundane abstract symbols
Which, made to reflect life, can never resonate
As the swirling motions of the senses combined,
Like a syncopated whirlpool of emotion,
Surging and climbing, which embeds the soul
Into an ethereal world of beautiful contradictions
Which speak wonderment to the mind.
That is where ink fails and imagination succeeds
That is the uncaptureable essence of the infinite opportunity
Guiding to the creation of the unknown
Which is beyond transmittance through lingual capacities
And can only be created anew in another
By the sharing and giving of experience
Unto the understanding of truth.
That is the message, which is impossible to describe.
And human inadequacies will always prevail;
Where full, thick life is lived
Only in being can there be understanding
Only in being, and not the written, can there be life
[Inspired by Yoko Kanno - Sora's Folktale, from the Escaflowne Movie]
I couldn't decide what picures to use for this post. I was deciding between something that hinted towards the abstract and the contrete. I'm not sure why I picked what I did in the end.
What would a picture of the undescribable look like?
I think I might change the pictures, but to what, and when, I don't know.
Now thats freaking sweet! very cool, mon ferre!
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